The week of November 18-24 takes us from Lunar Day 18 to 24. This week we will highlight on the moon the Cauchy Domes, visible on Tuesday night. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13; L=36°E] During sunrise over this area on the moon,
Cauchy Lunar Domes – Result from Magma
The week of August 1-7 takes us from Lunar Day 4 to Day 10. This week we will highlight the Cauchy lunar domes. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13] During sunrise over this area you will have an opportunity to view lunar domes,
Cauchy Lunar Domes on the Moon
The week of January 11-17 takes us from Lunar Day 28 to 5. This week we will highlight the Cauchy lunar domes. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13] During sunrise over this area, you will have an opportunity to view lunar domes, low
Unusual Moon Crater Arago and its Surrounding Domes
The week of December 14-20 takes us from New Moon to Day 6.5. This week we will highlight the crater Arago and its surrounding domes, viewable on Sunday night. Arago: [NE/J12] About 50 miles from the western shore of Tranquillity
Cauchy Domes on the Moon
The week of November 25 takes us from Day 28 to Day 5. This week we will highlight the Cauchy domes, viewable on Sunday evening. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13] During sunrise over this area, you will have an opportunity to view
Two of the Best-Known Faults on the Moon
The week of November 12-18 takes us from Day 5 to Day 10. This week we will highlight the scarp Rupes Cauchy, viewable on Monday evening around 6:30. Rupes Cauchy: [NE/J13] Two of the best-known faults on the Moon are
The Moon’s Best Examples of a Lunar Dome
The week of September 3-9 takes us from Day 23 to Day 0 (New Moon). This week we will highlight the Capuanus lunar domes and the Kies Π (Pi) dome, viewable early Tuesday morning. Kies Π (Pi): [SW/M7] Sandwiched in
Similarities of Rheita Valley on the #Moon and the Grand Canyon
The week of June 11 – 17 takes us from Day 27 to the end of Day 5. This week we will highlight the Rheita Valley, viewable on Saturday night, and the Cauchy domes, visible around midnight on Sunday. Vallis
Arago Crater and Arago Domes on the Moon: Evidence of Volcanic Activity
The week of October 23-29 takes us from Day 4 to Day 9 spanning the 1st quarter Moon, the ideal time for lunar observing! This week we will highlight the Arago domes. On October 11th in the early morning, we
Cauchy Domes on the Moon and Saturn a Showstopper: Lunar Days 18-24
The week of April 25-May 1st takes us from lunar Day 18 through Day 24. Full moon has passed and the terminator has advanced enough that we can begin to see clearly delineated features close to it. This week we