The week of July 29 – August 4 takes us from Day 24 to New Moon. This week we will highlight a series of rilles called Rimae Sirsalis, located in the SW quadrant of the Field Map and viewable on
Rupes Cauchy: A Best Known Fault on the Moon
The week of July 22-28 takes us from Day 17 to Day 23. This week we will highlight Rupes Cauchy, viewable on Wednesday night and located in the NE quadrant of the Field Map at J13. Rupes Cauchy: [NE/J13; L=37°
The Best Place to see Rilles on the Moon
The week of June 24-30 takes us from Lunar Day 19 to Day 25. This week we will highlight Rima Ariadaeus, located near the western edge of Mare Tranquillitatis in the NE quadrant of the Field Map at J11. It
Rima Ariadaeus is a Classic Example of a Graben on the Moon
The week of May 27 – June 2 takes us from Day 20 to Day 26. This week we will highlight Rima Ariadaeus, viewable close to the terminator on Sunday evening, June 2, Day 26 and located in the NE
Hippalus Rilles on the Moon
The week of April 15-21 takes us from Day 8 to Day 13. This week we will highlight Rimae Hippalus, the Hippalus Rilles, viewable on Thursday and Friday evening and located in the SW quadrant of the Field Map at
Moon Crater Janssen: How New Moon Craters are Superimposed on Top of Older Craters
The week of April 8-14 takes us from Day 29 to Day 6. This week we will highlight the moon crater Janssen, located in the SE quadrant of the Field Map at P13. Janssen: [SE/P13; L=40°E] Janssen is located 85
Rima Hyginus (Hyginus Rille) on the Moon
The week of November 27 – December 3 takes us from Day 16 to Day 21. This week we will highlight Rima Hyginus (the Hyginus rille) on the moon, viewable on Saturday night around 11:00 and located in the NE
Rimae Triesnecker – Series of Rilles on the Moon
The week of October 16-22 takes us from Day 2 to Day 8. This week we will highlight a series of rilles on the moon called Rimae Triesnecker, viewable on Saturday evening. Triesnecker Rilles: [NE/J10; L=5°E] What a great place
Rimae Sirsalis – Series of Rilles on the Moon
The week of October 9-15 takes us from Day 25 to Day 1. This week we will highlight a series of rilles called Rimae Sirsalis, located in the SW quadrant of the Field Map and viewable on Tuesday morning before
Moon Craters Hercules and Atlas Located East of the Lake of Death
The week of September 25 – October 1 takes us from Lunar Day 11 to Day 18. This week we will highlight the moon craters Hercules and Atlas, located in the NE quadrant of the Field Map and viewable on