The week of December 17-23 takes us from the end of Day 9 through Day 16. This week we will highlight Mare Humorum, the Hippalus rilles, the craters Gassendi, Gassendi A (all viewable on Tuesday evening), and Comet 46/P Wirtanen.
Mare Crisium and Lunar Transient Phenomena
The week of May 14-20 takes us from Day 29 to Day 6. This week we will highlight Mare Crisium, visible partially on Thursday and completely on Friday evening. Mare Crisium: [NE/H15] On Friday you should be able to observe
Mare Crisium – the Sea of Crises: What’s Hot on the Moon on February 24
The week of February 22-28 takes us from lunar Day 15 (full moon) through Day 20. The advantage of viewing the Moon in the days following full moon is that objects that were near the terminator on lunar days 2