The week of February 10-16 takes us from Lunar Day 13 to Day 18. This week we will highlight the Cauchy Domes on the moon, visible on Sunday night near the terminator. Cauchy domes: [NE/J13; L=36°E] During sunrise over this
Cauchy Domes on the Moon

The week of February 10-16 takes us from Lunar Day 13 to Day 18. This week we will highlight the Cauchy Domes on the moon, visible on Sunday night near the terminator. Cauchy domes: [NE/J13; L=36°E] During sunrise over this
The week of October 24 – 30 takes us from Lunar Day 29 to Day 6. This week we will highlight: Arago: [NE/J12; L=21°E] About 50 miles from the western shore of Tranquillity you will find the crater Arago (16
This week we will highlight a feature informally called the “Valentine Dome” located in the N.W. section of Mare Serenitatus. Valentine Dome: [NE/F11; L=10°E] Keep a close eye on the movement of the terminator, and when it just touches the
The week of March 8-14 takes us from Lunar Day 25 to Day 2. This week we will highlight Mons Rümker, a complex of domes in the northern part of Oceanus Procellarum early Tuesday morning. Mons Rümker: [NW/E4] Unfortunately this
The week of January 18-24 takes us from Lunar Day 6 to Day 11. This week we will highlight an object informally known as the Valentine Dome. Valentine Dome: [NE/F11] Keep a close eye on the movement of the terminator,
The week of January 11-17 takes us from Lunar Day 28 to 5. This week we will highlight the Cauchy lunar domes. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13] During sunrise over this area, you will have an opportunity to view lunar domes, low
The week of December 14-20 takes us from New Moon to Day 6.5. This week we will highlight the crater Arago and its surrounding domes, viewable on Sunday night. Arago: [NE/J12] About 50 miles from the western shore of Tranquillity
The week of February 3-9 takes us from Day 9 to Day 15. This week we will highlight the Bullialdus Causeway and the lunar dome Kies (Pi), viewable Monday night. Bullialdus Causeway1: [SW/M7] There is a wide, shallow valley that
The week of November 25 takes us from Day 28 to Day 5. This week we will highlight the Cauchy domes, viewable on Sunday evening. Cauchy Domes: [NE/J13] During sunrise over this area, you will have an opportunity to view
The week of September 23-29 takes us from Day 23 to Day 1. This week we will highlight the lunar dome Mons Gruithuisen Gamma, viewable early Tuesday morning. Gruithuisen Gamma1: [NW/F5; L=41°W] There is a peninsula-like piece of highland terrain