The week of August 16-22 takes us from Lunar Day 9 to Day 15. This week we will highlight the moon crater Eratosthanes, viewable Monday night. Eratosthenes: [NW/H8; L=11°W] A large (36-mi.) complex moon crater with terraced walls, central peaks,
Moon Crater Schiller is a Curiosity
The week of July 19-25 takes us from Lunar Day 10 to Day 17. This week we will highlight the crater Schiller, viewable Tuesday and Wednesday night in the SW quadrant. Schiller: [SW/Q6] Schiller is a curiosity. It has the
Moon Craters Piccolomini and Altai Scarp
The week of November 30 – December 6 takes us from Lunar Day 15 to Day 21. This week we will highlight the crater Piccolomini and the Altai Scarp, viewable on Friday evening, Day 19. Altai Scarp (Rupes Altai): [SE/M12]
Aristoteles: Eye Catching Moon Crater and Leonid Meteor Shower
The week of November 16-22 takes us from Lunar Day 2 to Day 8. This week we will highlight the crater Aristoteles, viewable on Saturday evening. Aristoteles1: [NE/D11] Close to the terminator Saturday evening there is an eye-catching pair of
Moon Crater Plato: One of the Moon’s Loveliest Sights
The week of August 24-30 takes us from Lunar Day 6 to Day 12. This week we will highlight the crater Plato, viewable on Wednesday evening. Plato: [NW/D9] On Wednesday evening, you will witness one of the Moon’s loveliest sights.
Complex Moon Crater Pythagoras and 50th Anniversary of Landing on the Moon
The week of July 15-21 takes us from the end of Day 13 (nearly full moon) to Day 19. This week we will highlight the crater Pythagoras, viewable on Monday evening. Pythagoras: [NW/C3] There is only a brief period during
Piccolomini: A Beautiful and Complex Moon Crater
The week of July 1-7 takes us from Day 28 Day 5. This week we will highlight the crater Piccolomini, viewable on Sunday evening. Piccolomini: [SE/M13] The Altai Scarp, one of the multi-rings of the Nectaris basin, terminates on its
Complex Moon Craters – Aristoteles and Eudoxus
The week of March 25-31 takes us from Day 20 to Day 25. This week we will highlight the craters Aristoteles and Eudoxus, viewable early Tuesday morning. Aristoteles1: [NE/D11] Close to the terminator this morning there is an eye-catching pair
Unique Features of Tycho the Moon Crater
The week of February 18-24 takes us from Day 14 through Day 20. This week we will highlight the crater Tycho, viewable on Monday (essentially full moon) and for most of the week. Tycho: [SW/P8; L=11°W] On Day 8, we
Unique Details of #MoonCraters Endymion and Geminus
The week of January 21-27 takes us from Day 15 to Day 22. This week we will highlight the craters Endymion and Geminus, viewable on Tuesday evening. Endymion: [NE/D15] This is an older crater which somewhat resembles Plato [Day 8;